Bridget Leschinsky

15 April 2023

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Managing Divorce Anxiety

Divorce can be one of the most stressful and anxiety-provoking events in a person’s life. It can be overwhelming to deal with the emotional, financial, and legal aspects of a divorce. As a certified divorce coach, I have some practical suggestions to help you reduce anxiety during this challenging time.

Managing Divorce Anxiety

  1. First and foremost, prioritize self-care. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself physically by getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in regular exercise. It’s also important to engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Taking care of yourself emotionally and spiritually is just as crucial as taking care of your physical health.
  2. Seek out a support system; you don’t have to go through this alone. Whether it’s a support group or family and friends. Individual therapy or working with a certified divorce coach can also help. Having someone to listen to you, validate your feelings, and provide a sense of community can help you feel less isolated and anxious.
  3. Create stress-management strategies that work for you. This may include mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, going for a walk, spending time in nature, or practicing yoga. When feeling overwhelmed, it’s important to take breaks and engage in activities that promote calm.
  4. Keeping your focus in the present moment can help you feel less anxious. Engage your senses by taking in the sounds, sights, and smells of your surroundings. By cultivating gratitude and focusing on the positive aspects of your life, you can learn to appreciate the present moment. As a result, you may feel more at ease and in control.
  5. Setting boundaries is essential during a divorce. Communication with your ex-partner can often involve conflict and difficult conversations. Setting clear boundaries around communication and interactions can provide a sense of safety and security.
  6. Developing a plan for the divorce process. Working with a divorce coach can help you set goals, identify priorities, and create a timeline for your divorce. A plan can help to provide direction and reduce feelings of uncertainty.
  7. Lastly, stay positive. Focus on the positive aspects of your life and seek out opportunities for personal growth and development. Divorce can be an opportunity for growth and new beginnings. Find activities that bring you joy and focus on your strengths and achievements.

Although divorce can be a difficult process, there are practical steps you can take to reduce anxiety and make the process more manageable. Remember that each person’s divorce experience is unique, and working collaboratively with a Certified Divorce Coach can assist you in developing a personalized plan for reducing anxiety during this difficult time. Prioritize self-care, seek help, manage stress, stay in the moment, set boundaries, make a plan, and stay positive.

Take advantage of a FREE 30 minute discovery session with The Bridging Coach to ask questions and get help.

Photo by Paola Chaaya on Unsplash
Bridget Leschinsky is a CDC Certified Divorce Coach®

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